NAFEMS Americas 2014


I spoke recently at the NAFEMS Americas Conference. This group tends to focus on CAD, FEM and CFD stuff, historically at least. But I was really pleasantly surprised to see a tremendous amount of interest around two themes from my talk.

System Simulation

The first was system simulation. There seems to be a growing interest in the NAFEMS community about system simulation. Obviously, this is an area I'm really interested in. One topic many people were discussing was how to connect system simulation and other types of analysis that incorporated geometry. Since my Ph.D. was in FEM, this is a topic I've thought about quite a bit myself. Coincidentally, I just produced a series of webinars for Dassault Systemes and one of them is on this very topic! If this is a topic you are interested, I encourage you to fill out the form to get access to the video.

Reaching Non-Experts

One of my big goals is to try and extend the reach of simulation to non-expert users. As someone who worked on building complex mathematical models for a long time, I was always frustrated by the lack of "reach" these models had. This was another theme of my talk that seemed to be getting a lot of attention at the conference.

My Presentation

Since I work primarily on web-based applications, I chose to make a presentation that was web-based (using a tool I developed called cadeau, BTW). That means no PowerPoint, no PDF. This presentation was dynamic and included interactive web-applications embedded in it. As such, it wasn't really possible to include it on the USB handed out at the conference. But, because it seemed to be well received and several people asked me about getting a copy, I produced this video that covers all the topics I covered at the conference and a few more:

Video: Web-based Engineering Analysis at NAFEMS Americas 2014

(A lower-resolution version is available on YouTube as well or at least will be once they are done processing it)

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